Episode 3

Published on:

5th May 2021

Entrepreneurial Attorney Nation - Erica Merrill - Perfect Legal Video Interview

In the latest installment of Entrepreneurial Attorney Nation, Richard James sits down with Erica Merrill, Founder of Perfect Legal Video, to discuss the complex world of social media marketing and how to conquer it.

Through an enlightening conversation, Erica explores the varying uses of social media marketing such as curating organic content, deciding what to post, choosing where to post, converting potential leads, and ultimately leveraging the power of social media as a whole.

Grab your notebook because this episode is full of valuable information that can help bolster your social media presence to a new level!


01:05 - Overview on today's episode

03:20- Introducing Erica Merrill

05:30 - Erica's efforts towards establishing Perfect Legal Video

08:00 - The social media landscape

09:30 - Social media management presentation begins

15:55 - Dan Kennedy’s messaging, marketing, media usage, and mass triangle

17:15 - Posting inside of groups with likeminded individuals

20:30 - Posting non-related content on your page 

24:15 - Should you post manually or use bots?

29:00 - Converting social media followers to members

34:32 - Testimonial Marketing

40:55 - Benefits of various content like blogs, vlogs, podcasts, and panels

45:59 - How to conquer the fear of not having enough content

54:48 - General announcements and holidays

56:20 - Video marketing strategies

59:12 - Closing remarks

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Your Practice Mastered
Are you ready to take your law firm to the next level?
Tune into The Your Practice Mastered Podcast where we talk about specific problems for law firm owners as they grow their firms. A show that will allow you to learn how to build a law firm that supports a lifestyle that gives you personal and financial freedom. New Episode every Thursday 8PM EST.